Thursday, December 21, 2006

Feel the BYTE

EB: I'm not sure what it is Jaime does for a living either,bass.

JK: The discussion was not about
"what it is Jaime does for a living". It began as a dialogue about some unique skills. Why would I reveal to you how I make my livelihood so you can sabotage it?

EB. but I DO know he tries to pimp himself out to candidates running for public office.

How do you
"know" this EB? You offer not one shred of proof. Then you act as if these Politicians are being victimized by me. My agenda is to engage the voters, publish irrefutable documentation and they decide. It might not be as I want or as you want but as WE as a whole community choose. Give me one instance where the Candidate did not approach initially.

EB:.even if they don't live in his district.

JK: Christen Archer does not live in the District either nor does Montgomery so WATT?

EB:.and if a candidate passes on hiring him,then he goes into full on attack mode,and will try to destroy the candidate's reputation and blame him for everything from global warming to the common cold.

JK: Again, you are incorrect EB. I don't believe Global Warming or common cold are accurate as they have never been a style of words I would use. More like Reneging, Lying & Cheating. EB, you must go by the person's actions and when a man is not worth his handshake (meaning he shakes hands and gives you his word and reneges) and he proves it to me personally I will speak up, I have not a qualm about going into full attack mode. Candidate's Reputation? Yeah, thats kinda like destroying the reputation of Heidi Fleiss or Marion Berry.

EB: He'll TELL you he has no agenda,

JK: Where have i ever said "I have no agenda".

I seldom use the word although the students use the term all day long.

EB: but anybody who reads his rantings

JK: Why do you read my "rantings" EB?

EB: can tell he does,and 99% of the time,that agenda involves Jaime trying to get paid by somebody.

JK: Do you work for free?

EB: His volumnous rants against the Fernandezes?..he claims they owe him money.

JK: It is Fernandez' EB. The Fernandez' are in arrears and their case is screwed because they want to hide the other heirs. Maybe you are one to let it go, not me. One day they will be compelled to keep their agreements. Those I have the documentation and not just a handshake.

EB: His continued attacks on Juan Garcia?

JK: Hey if one of you
Juant to brown nose him and open the door.........?

EB: ..he claims Garcia "hired" him to work in his campaign..then reneged.

JK: He did? Not only did I make a claim, I am contemplating dragging it all in to small claims court and dare you and everyone else to defend him. Why would you continue to defend a Politician / Lawyer. Now you are really reaching out there EB. Desperation so as to win?

EB: His attacks on Del Mar College?..his brother's girlfriend is suing the college,and Jaime's hoping to get HIS piece of the action by slamming the college.I guess he figures that by continuously attacking DMC,he's "helping" her case,and is therefore entitled to a sizable chunk of change from any settlement she might get.

JK: Now here is a prime example of Libel. The statement is absolutely false. Please make a note of the IP for exhibit. This will be emailed to Mike Westergren and Robert Heil as both are very aware of the victim (non litigant) you just Libeled. All in due time my friend.

EB: Mary Cano?..he accuses her of "modifying" his "JOB opportunities" (whatever the hell THAT'S supposed to mean).

JK: This is true, Mary Cano did modify my JOB Opportunities per Havlinka v Schubert.

EB: Don't get me wrong..I'm not trying to pile on here,Jaime,

JK: Dude, if you even knew who you are siding with. Pile on EB, nah you would never do anything like that especially if you knew it was helping me. Continue, pile on I can take it.

EB: but other people are seeing what I've seen for the last year or so..that you're not nearly as "objective" as you claim to be,and that,if you look deep enough,there's almost always some financial angle to to whoever or whatever it is you're accusing of some konspiracy on any given day.

JK: That is your opinion and that is quite a sophisticated view you have of me. However, I must request you acknowledge the credibility now of what was once a Konspiracy theory. Del Mar Housekeeping, The President, CIA, and Swiss Bankers Hunting on the Armstrong Ranch, Keeping the Powder Dry, A Sham in Nueces County, KFATSO. Why do you read such rantings EB? Because you have wisdom beyond your years, that is why you read WATT I write EB.

EB: I,personally,don't care who you're trying to wheedle money out of by posting the stuff you do.Having read most,if not all of it,my guess is you won't be paid by anybody anytime soon,but it seems other people are starting to catch on to what you're doing and what you're really about,which means your motives for posting some of the crap you do are going to be called into question more often now.

JK: If this is true then, that means these "other people" are starting to Feel the BYTE.

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