Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GI Forum National Report: "KC Rove quit to help Junior John"

GI Forum National Report: "KC Rove quit to help Junior John" Corpus Christi Watchdog Authority: Fwd: [Telemundo South Texas] Senatorial Prevarication: Will Texas Allow Junior Joh...

"Did K C Rove quit to help John Cornyn?"

Jaime Kenedeño said... Didn't you mean to say, "KC Rove quit to help Junior John"?

Of course he wanted to have more family time, isn't that the standard line now days.

He is coming to TEXAS to play ball in our ball park.


Finally, he comes out to play with the big boys.

I'm Waiting............................

Welcome to the Texas WEB KC
go ahead and mosey on down to
the little feathers who flock together.

A Democraddick Melodrama Entitled, ...........

The Roved, the Sycophant and the Tasteless.

Where the Roved and the Tasteless will now lob direct rebuke tomahawks
at the USAG, the President and other favorite targets the left so passionately rag on daily.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Corpus Christi City Website survey appears to be twisted towards tearing the

A voter writes in to in response to
Article on Mike Hummel and internet input.

I decided to go to post some ideas on the cities survey. I wrote a five

hundred word response only to find out it is limited to five hundred
characters. Then too, the survey appears to be twisted towards tearing the
building down. Look at the last question and the way it is written. Most
people are open to compromise. So even if you don't want the building torn
down, you might answer that last question in a way that they can be
interpreted that the majority want the building torn down. Check it out.

Monday, August 06, 2007

"IN THE KNOW": "Mr. and Mrs. North and South America and all ships at sea," "Let’s go to press!

"IN THE KNOW": "Mr. and Mrs. North and South America and all ships at sea," "Let’s go to press!

Just got back from hooking some Big Reds at the Mother Lagoon. Now, that's WATT I'm talkin bout invoking a FIGHT. I had not had an opportunity to read the Caller Times and Jamie Powell's Political Pulse and one of the guys came up and starting telling us how Junior John attacked the internet community and Mikal WATTSFORSENATE Campaign amateur. He said, "They are talking about you all over the Newspaper today". I asked him, "What do you mean? Who is "they"?

He said that Senator guy Cornyn, he is saying that the blogs and the internet message are an amateur way for WATTS to Campaign. He is saying Mikal Watts but he is talking about you.

Well, I am not with the WATTSFORSENATE Campaign but I am going against Junior John.

The said to me, you must be starting to irritate them, getting to them with things they cannot defend or else he wouldn't say anything.

I told him, "I am a fly, and I am going a Junior John, I am now in his ear, He will scratch and scratch at his ear trying to get me out, he will scratch until he is bleeding, he will himself to death trying to get me out of his ear."
Rothenberg Report, calling Watts' campaign Web site video, "the silliest, most transparent attempt to deliver a message I have ever seen."
Who is Rothenberg and why should we care WATT he says? It is enough to know he is trying to get Junior John re-elected. His writing is meaningless rhetoric. Transparent? Transparency is a good thing, but obviously transparency is a negative attribute of Government according to the GOP?
"If this is Mikal Watts' first attempt to draw attention to his campaign via the Internet he may ought to use another medium," said Texas GOP spokesman Hans Klingler. "Watts invoking the word 'fight' without the slightest idea or experience in any elected or leadership arena is comical."

We (Los Kenedenos) were going after Junior John prior to any Watts intentions to challenge the Junior Senator. Besides, why would a GOP Spokesman advise us? We are definitely in a good medium current or else ole Hans would not be advising us to "use another medium". We are definitely connecting with the "sweet spot" and they keep on changing pitchers. As far as fight, come and get it BOYS. Amateur, we take that as a compliment and it is a true statement, in our case.

WATT are you scared of Junior John?

Bring it now and may we dance everyday until the day when Texas will make their choice.

Invoking the word Fight?
"without the slightest idea or experience in any elected or leadership arena"

We know WATT Junior John's idea of leadership is, it is a sycophantic relationship with the GOP.

Junior John's Experience is his record and there is nothing there for the average Texan, there is nothing in his record for the South Texan or for the hispanic.

We got him building a border fence that was appropriated for, as a Concrete WAll.

Invoke the word FIGHT Mr Hans exclaims?

We will take our chances.

We stand waiting in the ring or in the alley whichever you choose Mr Hans Klingler.

As far as leadership and elected arenas, we got Junior John's record vs the hope that somebody has the balls to run his A$$ out of office.

We are here and the hope begins to grow.

The snowball now, only needs a little downward slope and then we just jump on for the ride.
We wont need to support it anymore and you guys cant stop it, it will just keep rolling and rolling and rolling.

You GOP guys, doncha you got a little better punch than that to throw? Where is all that salty dog experience of the "Professional Politician / Carpet Bagger"?

You know WATT I mean by Professional Carpetbagger?

  • come around only at election time
  • say and do WATT ever it takes to get re elected.
  • Quiet up about the Craddick transgressions even though you should denounce him,
  • mums the word on building a wall but let the racist haters know you still support it
  • and charm the Humanities and let them know you are for them and have always supported them
  • like you tried to you act like you are for the American GI Forum and have always supported the Hispanic culture in that plagiarized article in some East Texas Publication; where you were trying to use the image and spirit of DR Hector P Garcia.
Junior John is now officially a comedian.

Well he must be?
Isn't he trying to make us laugh?

Surely Junior John does not think we are stupid enough to believe his Cotton Eyed Joe song and Dance?

WATTS that word?

B U L L S H / T ! ! !

GOP suggests Watts' campaign is amateur

The Texas Republican Party went on the offensive Friday against lawyer Mikal Watts, who is making a run at Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn.

The state GOP cited a recent article by Stuart Rothenberg, author of the national political publication Rothenberg Report, calling Watts' campaign Web site video, "the silliest, most transparent attempt to deliver a message I have ever seen."

"If this is Mikal Watts' first attempt to draw attention to his campaign via the Internet he may ought to use another medium," said Texas GOP spokesman Hans Klingler. "Watts invoking the word 'fight' without the slightest idea or experience in any elected or leadership arena is comical."

Sunday, August 05, 2007

After we finish with (this issue), Mr Mike Hummel will always remember to read the local internet and to give credit where credit is due.

This morning I got a call that took me out on the streets. I needed a little punch so I put it on a Classic Rock Station expecting maybe some Hair of the Dog or War Pigs or maybe even Lovin You Sunday Morning or Proud Mary but it wasn't to be. I hear the end of a discussion with our Corpus Christi City Council Member stuck smack dab in the middle of that damn river.

WATT River?...........

Some begin to ponder, while there are others who know exactly where I am going with this River issue; after we finish with (this issue), Mr Mike Hummel will always remember to read the local internet and to give credit where credit is due.

You know with the Memorial Coliseum I have not the sentimentality or passion like many of you guys possess and concurrently I dont believe it needs to be torn down. I was against anything that TRT wanted to bring to this town in light of what they left us upon departure.

Some events and it might even be many events; cannot afford to use ABC Center; so it is not really a public arena like the Memorial Coliseum operated. Heck, many of us cannot afford to attend an event that is held in the ABC Center. So, tell us Mr. Hummel, Mr Burns and Mr Solis, will you make it affordable at least for our Local Goodwill Organizations like the Shriners to hold an event?

Currently, the ABC Center is out of our Local Goodwill Organizations reach because of price?

Now the Point at hand,

The discussion was about the Memorial Coliseum and specifically about the hiring of a consultant and if the City of Corpus Christi is going to follow WATT ever the Consultant recommended.

Corpus Christi City Councilman Hummel answered that the people have been included in the rounds of community input and public meetings.

The host asked if the Corpus Christi City Council was going to ask the consultant to include the input or if it will factor in.

Corpus Christi City Councilman Hummel quickly affirmed that the community's input has already been included.

The host then connected like Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron and the Great Bambino Himself; he asked Hummel if the Corpus Christi City Council is considering the input from all of the people at the Caller Times on the Coliseum issue?

Mike Hummel answers "I don't know anything about whats going on at the Caller Times".

The host says you dont know, you haven't read the article at the Caller Times about the Memorial Coliseum and the internet input and suggestions from the public, you arent going to consider that input?

Hummel studdered 3 or 4 times and then a couple more times and then he said we got, we got people, we got other people on that, I think, I'm not a computer guy , but I think they are calling them something like blogs, Im not a computer guy, or something like that. Then continued the D NILE of the POWER OF THE INTERNET and the reality that the People are beginning to Engage themselves in the Formulation of Public Policy. Since you cant hear us Mr Hummel, let me yell a little louder and maybe everyone else will as well.

Mr Hummel, that River's name; we call it D Nile, get out of it. In fact a big part of your electability came from the web community. Power of the Pen Mr Hummel. When coupled with facts only an idiot would be so ignorant to be unaware of what some people are calling blogs. The credibility (or not) is right there in black and white for everyone to read. Do you still want to claim that you havent tread the input at the Caller Times Community Input Forum? Although censored slightly it can give there are many souls participating. They are already pissed off and to think that our City Council is trying to act like they are unaware of our presence. That is unbelievable Mr Hummel.

Nothing Personal MR Hummel, but I do believe you have a little bit of homework to do.

"Engaging the average citizen in the formulation of Public Policy" is our mission @ Kenedeno & Associates. "The Net is a powerful force for change -- and a dynamic tool for citizen education and action. Read the latest research on citizen participation (ENGAGEMENT) online, the stories and experiences of coalitions, corporate clients, and others working in the cyber trenches, and discover the potential to become an active participant in online democracy.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Corpus Christi Caller Times: Censorship And Free Speech Posers in cahoots with the DMC Really Rotten

Why did the Corpus Christi Caller Times Censor This Comment? No Vulgarities, Nothing Obscene so WATT is the Reason?

Why not let your wife or your daughter work for DMC in house counsel?

Would you?

Enrollment is down and they wonder why?

Corpus Christi Daily Digital: Linda was the first person in a Corpus Christi Public Housing Dev. to successfully run 4 pub office: a person who picked

Corpus Christi Daily Digital: Linda was the first person in a Corpus Christi Public Housing Dev. to successfully run 4 pub office: a person who picked herself up by her bootstraps

by hkarsh

August 2, 2007

I was a candidate for the Del Mar Board of Regents. I picked up the package to run for office. I am College Educated. I have several degrees. I'm pretty good at reading and writing contracts and such. I'm not a lawyer and believe me I could have used a lawyer to explain all the stuff I was responsible for and had to do. Del Mar wasn't going to explain it to me and the local party bosses wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Del Mar certainly wasn't going to help Linda whose brother they had railroaded out of a job. Now Linda was the first person in a Corpus Christi Public Housing development to successfully run for a public office and her neighbors were very proud of her. So here we have a person who picked herself up by her bootstraps with out the aid of the local democratic or republican bosses and won her election. So what do the local politicos do and that includes our slimy DA

there's more at the link above

Thursday, August 02, 2007

SOS: " A candidate for trustee must be a resident of the trustee district the candidateseeks to represent."

It also says, "(A Trustee) vacates the office if he or she ceases to reside in the trustee district he or she represents."

That is the LAW.

Garcia resigns as Del Mar regent

— Linda Garcia resigned from her Del Mar College District 1 Board of Regents seat Wednesday, board president Chris Adler said Wednesday.

Adler said Garcia stated in her resignation letter — dated Aug. 1 — that she is pursuing a career opportunity outside of Corpus Christi that forces her to resign the seat.

District Attorney Carlos Valdez last week filed a lawsuit against Garcia seeking her removal from the seat. The suit alleged Garcia did not meet residency requirements to run for the seat and that her application for candidacy contained false information.

Adler said the board will research its options before taking action on the vacancy.

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Posted by curtis on August 1, 2007 at 4:58 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Seems like Ms. Garcia is always seeking opportunities outside of her area, including running for public office where she didn't belong. Hopefully the Board of Regents is smart and puts Gabe back into the seat Garcia clearly cheated him out of. Gabe was cheated, not unseated.

Posted by jillhaggerty on August 1, 2007 at 5:02 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Does this mean the lawsuit goes away?

Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 1, 2007 at 6:49 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Gabe does not live in the district.

He did not live in the district when he was a regent.

He used his parents home and photography studio.

Gabe was voted out.

Yeah, Linda really cheated, she had the SOS confirm her application and she did live here in the district when she applied. That is the law.

After they lost, they went crying to Carlos Valdez, do something help us.

That is DMC for ya, always changing the rules.

We can whine about Linda all day long but I bet not one of you will say one word about this:

So do you guys approve?

How bout you Curtis?

Gabe dont micromanage, but he can go all out when it comes to cheating.

Posted by aalanisnorman on August 1, 2007 at 10:02 p.m. (Suggest removal)

I had my wedding pictures done by Mr. Rivas at HIS studio, his home...need to get your facts right instead of belly aching, besides why would Linda Garcia run in the first place, Her brother sued DMC...kinda of unethical on her part, and the bolonga about 'clerical error' with her application and voter registration...those documents are affadavidts stating that what she put on those documents are true, unless she is able to be in two places at once...she lied....Good riddance!

Posted by dannoynted1 on August 1, 2007 at 11:27 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Who lives on Devon Street?

Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 1, 2007 at 11:47 p.m. (Suggest removal)

You didn't know there are pictures / video of his vehicles and his family at an address outside of the district. His family does not live there. Belly aching, now who is the one that was whining ever since Gabe was voted out? Linda Garcia's brother sued DMC because of the hit man hired by Elizabeth Reynolds who was spurned by Ann Matula and DMC officials. DMC had agents following him and making death threats. Linda and Al have both received death threats after she was elected and before. Unethical is the Powers that be at DMC. Linda is part of the solution. DMC would never have been sued as many time as it has been sued recently if it was not for the pick and choose clique at DMC.

The law first of all it says:



§ 31.001. CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER. (a) The secretary of
state is the chief election officer of the state.

The law that governs DMC regarding Regent elections is:



A candidate for
trustee must be a resident[0] of the trustee district the candidate
seeks to represent. A trustee other than a trustee serving in
accordance with Subsection (g) of this section vacates the office
if he or she ceases to reside in the trustee district he or she

The Secretary of State made a ruling that this is the controlling law AND it is the only law any regent has ever been elected under.

Linda Garcia lived in the District when she filled out the Application. That is the law.

Now when these rotten people lost to a little person they want to call on their friends in Government lile AG Abbot and Carlos Valdez.

How did Valdez become involved? Did the AG ask him or did he have two signed affidavits making a complaint. I say he had neither.

The application and errors within it (if there are errors) have no bearing on period of time she lived in the district. And yes you can be in two places at once according to Texas Law

Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 1, 2007 at 11:47 p.m. (Suggest removal)

These documents contain text of correspondence sent by TxDOT to the county tax assessor-collectors, statutory agents who provide vehicle registration and titling services for citizens in Texas. This information is provided to apprise the general public of issues affecting the state’s vehicle titling and registration process.

Registration and Title Bulletin #036-05
Date: April 12, 2005
To: All County Tax Assessor-Collectors
Category: Policy and Procedure
Subject: County Residency Requirements
To clarify county residency requirements addressed in RTB #011-05.
The intent of RTB# 011-05 was to address title applications processed with addresses outside of Texas. Some part-time residents, including "Winter Texans" and visitors to the state who purchase a vehicle in Texas, use an out of state address on Texas title applications.
"Winter Texans" or other part-time residents are defined as persons who have dual residency in Texas for part of the year and another jurisdiction for the remainder of the year, provided they do not establish gainful employment or enter into business in Texas. Based on an opinion of the Department’s Office of General Counsel, applicants may title and register a vehicle in Texas provided they have a Texas address. Visitors to Texas without a Texas address are not allowed to title and register a vehicle in Texas. All other county residency requirement procedures remain in place for leased vehicles, military personnel, out of state corporations, bonded title applicants, college students, and reciprocity agreements between other jurisdictions.
When processing an Application for Texas Certificate of Title, Form 130-U, establish that the applicant’s residence is within your county. If the customer has dual residency, make certain the applicant uses the established residence within your county on the application.
If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact your local Vehicle Titles and Registration Division Regional Office. You may also call Mike Craig, Deputy Director, or me at (512) 465-7570. Thank you very much.

In some cases the Registration and Title Bulletins (RTB) contain attachments. If you require a copy of the original signed RTB and the attachments, please email your request with the RTB number to VTR Info Request/Open Records. Repeat requests are subject to charges in accordance with Open Record policies. A subscription service is also available for an annual fee of $250. Subscribers will automatically receive all RTB mailings as they are issued.

It is called Dual Residency.

It is OK, we practice Due Diligence and you will realize that you side with some really rotten people.

Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 1, 2007 at 11:55 p.m. (Suggest removal)

Why not let your wife or your daughter work for DMC in house counsel?

Would you?

Enrollment is down and they wonder why?

Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 1:06 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Also, my point was with Gabe's auxiliary residence's and his personal issues is; even though we knew this information we felt as long as he had ties to that community and he was there much of the time it was a non factor. In our opinion, our childhood home will always be our residence; as long as family members reside there. We might not sleep there, we still get mail there, people still call (for us) there and we hold it close to our heart. We still consider our Mother's residence our home even though we might live in Kleberg County or we live in Buckingham Estates whatever it is still our home.

There is not a time period requirement for living in the district.

There is a 6 month requirement that we reside in the state of Texas.

Now, when Gabe loses; the rules get changed after the fact.

One or two of our state reps did not live here one was living in Austin but had a house here in the District. Another ported in from the Military industrial complex.

Brent Chesney did not live here and I did not see Carlos Valdez strong arming him off of the Council. He served for quite a while after he no longer resided here in the District.

It cant be a selective pick and choose application of the law and that is what is occurring.